using together (jointly) 意味

  • using together (jointly)


        using together:    using together 互用 ごよう
        mixing or using together:    mixing or using together 混用 こんよう
        jointly:    {副} : 合同で、一緒に、両方に、連帯して、連帯責任で We must jointly face the military threat. If you owned property jointly, there is no tax on half of the profit.
        jointly with:    ~と共同で
        using:    using ことによって 使役 しえき
        invest jointly:    共同出資{きょうどう しゅっし}
        jointly and severally:    連帯{れんたい}して
        jointly controlled:    {形} :
        jointly developed by:    《be ~》~によって共同開発{きょうどう かいはつ}される
        jointly established by:    《be ~》~の共同出資{きょうどう しゅっし}で設立{せつりつ}される
        jointly host:    共同開催{きょうどう かいさい}する
        jointly with messrs:    氏たちと一緒に
        jointly-controlled:    {形} : 共同支配下{きょうどう しはい か}にある
        jointly-developed with:    《be ~》~と共同{きょうどう}で開発{かいはつ}する
        move jointly:    協力{きょうりょく}する


  1. "using these things as reference points, satellites can perceive minute changes in the earth's surface" 意味
  2. "using this program all the time" 意味
  3. "using this type of lens will enhance contrast" 意味
  4. "using to excess" 意味
  5. "using together" 意味
  6. "using up" 意味
  7. "using up one's fortune on fine clothes" 意味
  8. "using-up" 意味
  9. "usinger's" 意味
  10. "using to excess" 意味
  11. "using together" 意味
  12. "using up" 意味
  13. "using up one's fortune on fine clothes" 意味

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